The Louisiana SkillsUSA Championships will:
- Conduct more than 57 separate occupational skill and leadership contests with the active participation, support and guidance of business, industry and organized labor.
- Attract 1,200 students, teachers, administrators and VIPs from business and industry to the Louisiana Leadership and Skills Conference, of which the SkillsUSA Louisiana Championships is the highlight component.
- Attract the news media to our conference.
Bring the best of business and industry and education together in a neutral forum to evaluate the relevance of Career and technical education.
- Provide recognition for Louisiana’s finest young skilled workers and trainees.
- Influence the quality of Career and technical education programs throughout Louisiana.
- Provide incentives for excellence that encourage students in hundreds of local Career and technical classrooms throughout Louisiana.
- Promote our sponsors’ efforts to recruit well-prepared skilled entry-level workers.
- Promote the multitude of fine products and services offered by many of SkillsUSA Louisiana’s corporate partners.
- Demonstrate to key audiences the high quality and preparedness of SkillsUSA Louisiana students, and show that Louisiana industry stands firmly in support of vocational students and training programs. The public credibility of vocational education is thereby enhanced.
The Louisiana state competition will heighten business and industry awareness of SkillsUSA's programs and provide them with workers who have the skills and attitudes to contribute to the employers' competitiveness.
By the conclusion of the state competition, we will have motivated some of the best of tomorrow's skilled workers to achieve. We at SkillsUSA are proud of our students and our alumni. They truly are among the finest workers and trainees in America.